
The new Sugar site is finally live!

Posted on November 26, 2014

It's been over 2 years in the making, but it's finally live! Sugarcs.com V3.0

This coming March, Sugar Creative Studio will reach its 6th birthday. Our first website, which was essentially a big holding page, was superseded after about a year with V2. That served us well for several years but things change, our core client base changes, and we change.

We've actually fully developed several V3's over the past couple of years, but when it came to the crunch, they never felt quite right for us… and back to the drawing board we went.

The core design for the final V3 was actually drawn up about this time last year with the intention of going live early in 2014 but, as is the case industry-wide, time to dedicate to your own site is a rare commodity if you're a busy agency. And boy has 2014 been a busy one!

But we're finally there! That's not to say it's perfect, but we're pretty happy with it and have some big plans going forward. We would love to hear your feedback on the site… good and bad (we can take it!)

The ingredients (what's inside)

V2 of our website was based on pre-developed wordpress template that we ripped apart and put back together again in the short space of time we had to get something live, but there was still elements of it that we needed more control over. This time around, we decided to build our site the way we wanted it and start from the ground up with our own design, and then plug in our favourite CMS.

Twitter Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com/)
• Mosaic & Masonry (http://masonry.desandro.com/)
Concrete5 CMS (http://www.concrete5.org/)

Sugar Creative Studio, Cardiff

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