

Posted on March 25, 2015

Lunchtime links

#LunchtimeLink is a daily website link we find of interest tweeted from our Twitter account. It uses a bespoke hashtag which helps us to track and monitor the effectiveness of social interaction with our audience.

The idea was born out of a social media strategy meeting at Sugar HQ with a set objective to build relationships with our social media audience on a regular basis and raise further brand awareness.

To achieve this objective we used and continue to use the marketing acronym ‘S.M.A.R.T’

S — Specific
tweets relate to our brand

M — Measurable
each week we review our stats, compiling them within a spreadsheet for further analysis

A — Achievable
tweets are collated from team members and scheduled each day

R — Realistic
time is set aside to send tweets and send responses

T — Time-based
a set time slot of 1pm GMT (lunchtimes)

Within our social media strategy meeting we also set out a number of key performance indicators all of which have been achieved:

  • create a bespoke hashtag #LunchtimeLink
  • raise our brand awareness 
  • increase impressions — number of times a user saw a tweet
  • increase engagements — total number of times a user has interacted with a Tweet. This includes all clicks anywhere on the Tweet (including hashtags, links, avatar, username, and Tweet expansion), retweets, replies, follows, and favourites
  • increase number of engagements — (clicks, retweets, replies, follows and favourites) divided by the total number of impressions. 
  • increase enquiries/leads
  • gain additional business partnerships.

Twitter statistical data we've collected over the last 28 days:

Twitter impressionsTwitter engagement
Twitter statistics

We’re conscious that everything we Tweet is an extension of our brand so we ensure they relate to:

  • our services
  • our work
  • our locality
  • technology
  • and the industry we work within.

But, also as Twitter is ‘social’ which by definition means ‘interacting with humans’ we occasionally Tweet expressing our personality.

To conclude

#LunchtimeLink, forms a small but important part of the evolving social media strategy we’ve devised here at Sugar Creative. If you’d like to contribute a link, feel free to send us a Tweet, we’ll review it and if approved, we’ll publish it mentioning your Twitter username.

Also, should you be interested in discussing forming a bespoke social media strategy tailored towards your business feel free to contact us: info@sugarcs.com / +44 (0)29 2000 6776.

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