
Innovation as a mindset

Posted on April 29, 2019

Last Friday, Sugar were extremely pleased to announce not only that we had been appointed by the UK government to deliver a cutting edge innovative story telling experience that will help demonstrate the continuing pre-eminence of both the UK creative and entertainment sectors (for more info see our blog https://www.sugarcs.com/blog/2019/04/cheese-gromit/ ) but that we will be doing so with the incredible folks at Aardman. 

This represents another new chapter in Sugar's story and an ongoing commitment to use the changing landscape of technology to innovate in all areas of communication. Two years ago we expanded our team with a specific aim of exploring the potential offered to design and communication by emerging technologies. This was not a strategic shift but a conscious decision that by combining specialisations ranging from illustration, to PHP development, to games/physics engines, to user psychology, and design strategy not just under one roof but as one cohesive team allowed us to come up with more effective, more innovative, and more meaningful solutions to support our clients.

In the last couple of years we have used this approach to assist in creating augmented reality installations that bring dinosaurs to life, developing a virtual reality road safety tool for primary school children, creating a responsive digital toolkit to support the expansion of a national confectionary brand, realising a real time multi-platform app content control system, and developing an AI driven voice reactive tool to help assess speech degradation in the elderly.

It is also that mindset which led to us work with the amazingly talented folks at Potato and Tiny Rebel Games and submit the proposal to the Audience of the Future innovation project. Drawing on our experience with cutting edge augmented and mixed reality technology as well as effective brand communication and non-linear user mechanics we were able to show that the potential for storytelling offered by hybridising these elements was not just limitless but game changing in it's very nature.

Going forward we are going to be working not just on creating an awesome and ground breaking immersive story telling experience but with a wide range of clients. We will be working with a range of children IPs to deliver innovative learning games, with a number of UK scientific establishments to develop Augmented Reality driven tools for both assessment and wellbeing, a collection of museums in creating immersive new ways to experience their content, and an assortment of brands globally to deliver brand content and memorable experiences.

For more info on both what we do and how we do it check out the sugar website (currently undergoing a bit of a spruce up) or get in touch for a chat.


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