
Movember Challenge 2013

Posted on November 07, 2013

During Movember, the month formerly known as November our Senior Designer, Graham grew a marvellous moustache in support of the Prostate Cancer charity with a fundraising page: http://mobro.co/gramatter

It was his 5th consecutive year of growing a facial caterpillar with over £1,000 raised for a great cause.

However, growing a moustache wasn't enough for our Graham as each Friday he dressed up in tash themed fancy dress with costumes ranging from a French Onion Seller to a Pirate. It made for an interesting month with clients treated to our usual hospitality plus a look of bewilderment and an occasional giggle.


As an additional way of fundraising, Graham designed a series of moustache characters for use on merchandise which are available to buy online: TashStore.cottoncart.com


What is Movember?
Movember is a charity event that raises awareness about male health issues and money for research into Prostate Cancer. You can find out more information at: http://uk.movember.com

If you don’t know what the prostate does, you’re not alone. Two out of three men in the Wales can’t tell you. Yet Cancer of the prostate gland is the most common cancer in men in Wales, causing about one in four of all new male cancers. You can find out more information at: http://www.prostate-cancer.org.uk

Thank you to the following who kindly donated
Dan Clemo, Edward O'Regan, Paul Copner, Certitec, Ian Webb, Samina White, Cassie Evans, Karolyn Danielsen, HP Sauce, Chloe Price, Lisa Ellaway, Stacey Goulding, Ryan Roberts, Jodi and Lee Moares, Colin Stokes, Natalie James, Glynn Williams, Paul Evans, Michael Collett, Alex Richards, Liz Sanders, Daniel Davies-Hale, Aled Parry, Adam Pledger, Caroline Adams, Matthew Flint, Paul Mullins and Jason Hester.

Tags: Movember

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