
Manumit Coffee

Manumit Coffee

Manumit Coffee

Manumit Coffee

Manumit Coffee


Manumit offers dignity & hope to survivors of modern slavery through training & employment. Their coffee is roasted by men and women who have suffered horrendous exploitation at the hands of traffickers and modern slave traders but are now rebuilding their lives.


Manumit approached us looking for the creation of a full brand, website, packaging and marketing collateral for their inspiring new venture. The aim was to create a brand that helped support the message and cause of Manumit, while still presenting them as a quality speciality coffee roasters who care about their product and their employees.


Working from the ground up gave us a fantastic opportunity to build a strong, impactful brand that was deployed in a range of formats. Ranging from screen printed posters to augmented reality coasters. Taking elements from 1830's typographic treatment and shipping crate typography, the branding plays on the idea that human beings are still treated like cargo, despite slavery being officially abolished in the 1830's. Manumit is helping stop this by helping break the chains of modern slavery, this ideology has been visualised with the Manumit M sigil encircled by a broken link.

Great care was taken in the messaging of the brand, a balance between positive language and the hard hitting facts of modern day slavery was needed to help make Manumit both impactful yet approachable by customers.

Manumit website