
Campaign launch at Cardiff Castle

Sport Wales Annual Review

Sport Wales Annual Review

Campaign launch at Cardiff Castle

Sport Wales Annual Review


Sport Wales are the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales. They are the main adviser on sporting matters to the Welsh Government and are responsible for distributing National Lottery funds to both elite and grassroots sport in Wales.


The brief from Sport Wales came from a competitive tender process which had an overall objective to create a bilingual Annual Review for Sport which would display sporting highlights throughout the year both visually and numerically in a compelling manner. The brief also had the sub-objective of increasing social media engagement and raising brand awareness.



Social media campaign

Social media campaign

Bespoke icon

Bespoke icon

Infographic detail

Infographic detail


Upon being commissioned the project we researched a variety of visual styles that would effectively answer the brief. The style chosen was an infographic route as this enabled a vast array of complicated facts and figures compiled throughout the year easier for the audience to digest. The style also stayed true to the existing Sport Wales branding and was able to accommodate existing photographs as well as the bespoke illustrations we designed in-house.

Once the style had been approved we designed the infographics for a number of differing dimensions for social media usage: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The infographics were also used within bilingual booklets and posters which were given out to Welsh Government members and partner organisations. As well as this a video was created.

The end result was well received by both social media and by those who received printed copies.

Infographic detail

Infographic detail

Review of the year infographic booklet

Review of the year infographic booklet

Infographic detail

Infographic detail

Infographic for Twitter campaign

Infographic for Twitter campaign

Infographic detail

Infographic detail

Infographic detail

Infographic detail

Infographic detail

Infographic detail